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  From: Chris Meadors <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 08:52:56 -0700

Re: Degas cleanups

Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> degas/kgi
> degas/kgi/include
> degas/kgi/os/linux
> degas/kgi/os/patches/linux
> degas/kgi/drivers
> degas/kgi/drivers/include

I agree with nearly everything you suggested.  The only part I have a
question about is anywhere on the tree where you have a /os/ (like seen
above and in the console and kii dirs), you have done something like,
/os/linux then /os/patches/linux.  While I can see how this makes sense
to keep all the patches together, it makes more sense (perhaps only to
me) to do it this way: /os/linux and /os/linux/patches.  I see the
patches being very os specific, and not having anything in common with
each other that would merit keeping them together.  With the way I
suggested there would be 1 less branch in the tree, and if someone
wanted to only distribute the source needed for a specific os, they'd
get the needed patches right in a sub directory.

That's the only thought I had,

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