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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 13:46:14 +0200

Re: Degas cleanups

Rodolphe Ortalo wrote:
>> WHERE SHOULD I PUT LIBGWT ????? (NB: This applies also to libggi2d.)
> I had put it in degas/lib/libgwt (1)...
> then I changed and put it in degas/lib/libggi/extensions/libgwt (2)...
> then I heard Andreas tell me that it should go back in (1)...
> then Jon says that it should go in (2).... (again)
> And: I will commit the first prototype this evening (because I will
> go on holiday tomorrow for a week).
> If you keep on joking at me with this location, I'm gonna put it
> in:
> degas/libgwt/is/an/extension/of/libggi/but/I/am/not/sure/of/its/location !!!
> No,  no kidding, if we have a strict policy, we should put all libggi
> extension libs in degas/lib/libggi/extensions. But if the _only_
> directory in degas/lib is libggi then we have one extra level for
> nothing. Maybe we can keep the degas/lib/{libggi,libggi2d,libgwt,...}.
> It's easier to use (in my totally intuitive opinion). [1]
> Rodolphe
> [1] Note that this is the solution that obliges me to spend an hour
> moving the thing before commiting. So, I am sincere.

libgwt and libggi2d/3d should go in degas/lib/
They are separate libraries with a completely different purpose
from libggi, and they simply happens to use libggi as an 
underlying layer.


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