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  To  :
  Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 12:26:56 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: Fast lines

Hi folks !

Still having mail problems at home (argh - RedHat didn't give me an option
to use smail instead of sendmail ...).

I somewhere read about "inlined putpixels" in this thread ...

You should _not_ do this in the stubs lib. This is why the stubs im-
plementation is a sliced bresenham, because it can then call hline which
is faster.

For very small angles from horizontal, it is often faster anyway, as the
hline can use larger memory transfer widths.

For other libs (linear*), it might be better to use a straight Bresenham.

CU, Andy 

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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