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  From: Neal Tucker <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 08:13:12 -0700

Re: Old MGA chipset drivers. says:
> I'm not dropping the drivers however, they will be there, just a bit
> later, since they are old chipsets anyway, not too many people actually
> run them (Even though they are nice cards and my 1993 card outperforms the
> Virge in my Win 98 machine and Multihead without trouble)...

I've never tried Virge multihead, and I'm not sure if anyone else has
had problems with it, but out of curiosity I asked a friend of mine
who works at S3 whether or not it was doable.  He said that the cards
don't have an explicit VGA-disable, but you can just yank the BIOS off
the card and everything works fine.

I meant to try this out, but he took his extra virge card back from me,
and now I only have one.  :-)

-Neal Tucker

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