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  From: Jason McMullan <>
  To  :
  Date: 8 Jul 1998 13:57:47 GMT

Re: kgi, mail, ... wrote with confidence:
> Regarding the double KGI thing:

> If it is a temporary hack to make things work - this is o.k.
> It is a development repository after all.
> But this needs to be solved before the next freeze, or I will
> not build a stable tree from it.
> Duplicating code is _evil_, a nightmare to maintain and must be 
> avoided at all cost. 
> Also note, that Steffen has some changes to the KGI API pending,
> so please don't make life for him harder than necessary.
> I will not accept yet another DPP hack.

  The `degas/os' tree is to be the exclusive domain of the
GGI Console hacking - most people shouldn't mess with the drivers/code
there as they are very alpha. kgicon is the _official_ code
base of Degas, as it works with the standard kernel. GGI Console
will be going under some MAJOR revisions soon (well, as soon
as I can get my ex-wife to move all her stuff out and change the
locks) to the GGI Console code to:

	a) Make it work with fbcon framebuffers
	b) Make it work with KGI
	c) Port it to the PowerPC

> O.K. - enough said. Someone please check what needs to be done 
> and resolve that issue.

	AFAIK, there is only ONE repository for drivers -
the kgicon section. All non-GGI Console development drivers
should be placed there. The drivers in degas/kgi are currently
for the GGI Console development only.  Maybe we should move
degas/os -> degas/console and degas/kgi -> degas/console/kgi ?

Jason McMullan - Linux - GGI -

On the wonderful world of Microsoft Products:

  Why put fault tolerance in the OS, when it's 
  already built into the User?
	-- Steve Shaw <>

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