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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 10:20:36 +0200

Re: here we go...

Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Jul 1998, Frank W. Miller wrote:
> [ overly long quoted source snipped ]
> > OK, so far so good.  Now I'm trying to make in the video/kgi directory.
> > First thing is, my find does not support mindepth.  I'm running BSDi 2.1.
>         Either get and use the newest GNU fileutils or be prepared to do
> the kinds of modifications you did below all over the place.

GNU fileutils should NOT be needed. IIRC we agreed that GNU make is 
a fair requirement, everything else in the Make/configure system
should be portable. This is afaik allready true for libggi, and
there's no reason we shouldn't keep the kgi tree portable too.
If needed we'll write portable scripts to use and put them in 

> > Now it appears that the TOPLEVEL variable is not being set correctly
> > in accel/Makefile.  The main Makefile includes this line
> >
> > export TOPLEVEL := $(shell pwd)
> >
> > which appears not to be working.  So, any thoughts on all this?  Am I on
> > the right track or completely off base...
>         OK so far.  TOPLEVEL should point to the kgi/ directory, just
> hardwire it if it causes problems.  We might be depending on bash-isms
> here.

Not bash-isms, but GNU make-isms.
Frank, you should get GNU make and use that. As long as you use
GNU make, everything not working in the Makefiles is a BUG which
we should fix in the main sources too.


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