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  To  :
  Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 22:08:59 +0200 (CEST)

Old MGA chipset drivers.

I have decided to put down the IS-ATLAS drivers (Some Ultima/Impression
Matrox Cards) since I am making slow progress (Compiles, Detects and VGA
works mostly) due to Matrox not releasing any information and the
information I have is second hand and not all that accurate (Somebody
mixed it up with some STORM specific stuff) after a discussion with
Matrox, they told me that XFree is scheduled to get this information soon,
and that they will put up all Pre-Millenium1 chipsets on their developers
site later this year (Hope thay are more accurate than Microsoft... Who by
the way have buggy drivers for Ultima/Impression cards :) ) and I don't
fancy duplicating work enough to work on these drivers without that info.

I'm not dropping the drivers however, they will be there, just a bit
later, since they are old chipsets anyway, not too many people actually
run them (Even though they are nice cards and my 1993 card outperforms the
Virge in my Win 98 machine and Multihead without trouble), in the meentime
I'll check if I can get hold of some other outdated chipsets not supported

well, now I'm off to kick some ggicon but.. it should work but... ;)

Johan Karlberg.

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