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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 13:17:35 +1000

Re: Last kgicon update before it goes in CVS

Jon writes:

>  > I suggest degas/kgicon/include instead of degas/kgicon-include.
>  > If it's not related to anything else of degas it should be
>  > kept in one subtree. (Actually it should in any case IMO)
>  	degas/kgi/include is the card-specific stuff right now.  I can
>  combine the two include directories - in fact I initially had things set
>  up that way, but after looking at the fbcon include layout (where e.g. 
>  macfb.h was in drivers/video but fbcon.h was in linux/include/linux), I
>  decided to separate them to more closely follow the established linux 
>  way.  But they could be recombined:
>  include/kgi.h
>  include/IBM/vga.h
>  like that.  Once change in the top-level .make_rules should be all that 
>  would be needed to reconfigure everything.  Comments?

Keep 'em separate IMHO -- much cleaner that way.  Another possibility:


_____________________________________________  ____
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  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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