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  From: Frank W. Miller <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 17:55:17 -0400 (EDT)

Re: here we go...

> 	KGI under the current Degas (which BTW is 0.1.0 and not final yet)
> is DOA and is being reorganized.  The latest stable KGI is in Dali
> (0.0.9).  But, it still has input device and console handling built into

So I should cvs checkout dali?

> kgicon - it is a lot simpler than KGI/Dali and I can work with you to get
> around the Linux-isms and fbcon-isms that are still present.  This needs
> to be done anyway at some point.

kgicon seems to be the consensus, so lets do it.

> 	Linux-specific stuff in KGI:
> * I/O port allocation and programming

No allocation done in Roadrunner.  I can stub these.

> * Memory mapping/remapping and allocation

No virtual addressing in Roadrunner.  I can stub these.

> * PCI handling

Got my routines from BSDi.  Mapping shouldnt be too much of a problem.

> * Use of ioctls to send commands to the drivers

This could be tricky but my ctl() name space is pretty empty right now :/

> * Module stuff

Havent decided how to do modules yet, so will likely stub this for now.
The work I do will be linked with the kernel initially as a device driver.

> 	Is Roadrunner GPLed?  If not, it will be necessary to build the
> KGI drivers as modules instead of compiling them into the OS proper.

No, Roadrunner is commercial.  I do plan to put in some sort of module
thing for device drivers and file systems so I'll have to work this before
it gets released.  I will not violate the license under any circumstances.


Frank W. Miller                           Department of Computer Science                               University of Maryland             College Park, Maryland 20742

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