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  From: Frank W. Miller <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 17:47:06 -0400 (EDT)

Re: here we go...

> Well, I think you should have a look at Jon M. Taylor's kgicon wrapper,
> which will make the KGI drivers work on the stock 2.1.x Linux kernel

Great.  Where is it?

> you can generate .config by hand and work with it until you have a
> working port; you should be set for a little while.. :)

This is what I'll do for now.  I can clean up the config stuff later
when (and if) this stuff gets folded into the tree.

> Note that you should use the Dali drivers with kgicon small changes
> (see Jon's earlier post) with kgicon as a basis of work, not EvStack,
> as the drivers are going kgicon's way.. If you want to stay up to
> date with their development .. :)

I do, do some extent.  I'm basically interested in the video drivers for
the moment.  I have my own keyboard driver I can use.  I don't know
yet.  It would be nice to use your I/O for interactive stuff I guess.
I suspect that making the event driven stuff work will probably be the
most difficult thing for me.  My synchronous and asynchronous event are
very real-time oriented and therefore much different than what you see
in Linux.

> No, actually we aren't THAT dirty :) You just need to edit
> include/kgi/system.h

Thank goodness.  This actually makes my whole day.

> Roadrunner and you're set. A small glitch though, the drivers use the linux
> pci lookup functions as somehow noone bothered to wrap them in system.h

I can prolly get around this.  I use pci stuff from BSD for the DEC tulip

> The best bet is to write, in that order, the relevant defines in kgi/system.h,
> then
> a "kernel driver" (like the linux/i386.c one) like roadrunner/i386.c or so :),
> then
> finally code in your kernel that encapsulates the KGI drivers, like kgicon

I'm on it.  Guess I only need to know about this kgicon thing.

BTW, just saw the article in Dobbs, very kewl!!


Frank W. Miller                           Department of Computer Science                               University of Maryland             College Park, Maryland 20742

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