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  From: Steve Cheng <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 17:27:01 -0400 (EDT)

Re: Problems with a S3 Card

On Tue, 7 Jul 1998, Lutz Oberst wrote:

> screenmode changed. Then I tried some of the demos. Some
> didn't work but quitted with this error:
> /home/road/ggi/lib/libggi/demos/# ./demo
> Trying mode -1x-1#-1x-1 D-1x-1 F 1 [GT_AUTO]
> Suggested mode -1x-1#-1x-1 D-1x-1 F 1 [GT_AUTO]
> libggi: Failed to set requested mode
> Can't set mode
> But for example the flying_ggis programm works fine and displays
> the flying ggis.
> Can anybody explain me my errors ?

It's the standard KGI-drivers-don't-understand GGI_AUTO error. 

GGI_AUTO (=-1) is a placeholder when doing mode setting that tells the
driver to select its best mode.  KGI drivers don't implement this (most
other LibGGI targets do though).  The workaround is to override GGI_AUTO by

LIBGGI_DEFMODE = 320x200#320x200D1x1[8]

before running the demos.  Some demos like flying_ggis work because the mode
is hard coded there.

This is covered in the LibGGI documentation under doc/.

By the way, you needn't use root to run the demos under KGI :-)

Steve Cheng               

www: <>;

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