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  To  :
  Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 16:39:43 EDT

Re: libgwt - I haven't heard anything for a while.

 > Okay: I will do this commit by Friday (10 July). [2] After, I will be on
 > holiday until 20 July. If you want to do something useful: write a
 > testing application!  (I will create a "demo" subdir, you just need to
 > populate it.) Surely, such demo will not work instantly, but you will be
 > forced to learn the API (and may provide some feedback), and it will be
 > useful later on.  Then, you will have learnt enough to help directly on
 > libgwt. 
 Is it possible to send a tarball of libgwt via e-mail?  I'd like to see
 what's currently available...

Or at least a list of the features planned for release on Friday so I can plan
what to put in the demo.

Can someone do a one off snapshot when this goes in on Friday, and mail it to
me? I don't have internet access from my Linux box at the moment, so I can't
access CVS. I want to get coding as soon as possible after a first release is
ready so I can get plenty of work in - I have a lot to do for my day job and
can't give all of my time to GGI until my contract finishes at the end of the
month. Believe me, I'll be coding constantly - I hope to see funny swirly
shapes and start hallucinating with the best of 'em :)

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