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  From: Frank W. Miller <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 16:37:44 -0400 (EDT)

here we go...

Ok guys, if you're into this, so am I.  I'm gonna start by trying
to port KGI to Roadrunner.  So, what do I do first? :/  First off, I'm
using the 1.0 release of degas.  I think I will go from something stable
to start off with.

I'm looking at kgi/driver and the configure script.  Not quite sure
what it does and I'm running BSD so of course it doesn't work.  When
I run it I get the following output to stderr:

type: not found
dialog: not found
cat: /tmp/ggiset: No such file or directory

and the following helpful output to stdout:


What exactly is this script doing and can I change the script somehow to
make it work under BSD?

It looks like I need to somehow build things that are in various
subdirectories, ramdac, chipset, graphic, clock, kernel, and monitor.
Now, it looks like I need to do this configure thing before I try any
of these.

One thing I do know, when I finally come down to compiling the various
C and assembly files, I will need to use my own set of header files.
This will probably require some #ifdef'ing around the Linux header files.
This is probably something that will be a general problem for different
OS ports.  So I thought I would do something like this:

#define __Roadrunner__ in a Makefile or config file somewhere, you tell
me where is best I guess.  Then:

#ifdef __Roadrunner__

    /* ... Roadrunner header files here ... */


    /* ... Linux header files here ... */


or some variant of this, will have to be added to all the source files.

So, you asked for new OS's, I got one.  Let's roll up our sleeves and
hopefully you won't all hate me before it done with...


Frank W. Miller                           Department of Computer Science                               University of Maryland             College Park, Maryland 20742

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