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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  : Geert Uytterhoeven <>
  Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 19:41:25 +0000

Re: Last kgicon update before it goes in CVS

Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:

[I did]

> > I have a 68K, a PPC and an Alpha system at home so I can do some testing,
> > but most of my coding time is spent on the x86 machines as well.. My
> > MC68040/25 is somehow slow by today's standards (even if I love that
> Linux/m68k? :-)

Of course.. Together with a custom AmigaOS 3.1 EPROM (from my original
ROMs, eh :). Amiga 4000/040/25 mhz (A3640 board IIRC :), 16 MB fast,
2 MB chip, a2065 ethernet board, scsi board whose name i forgot
now :), 1.7 GB IDE disk, 105 MB scsi disk. Nothing very exciting, but
it runs linux/m68k very well.. when it's switched on (not too often :).

> > amiga to bits :), the ppc box is a twin 603/66 mhz bebox which doesn't work
> > too well with Linux (it only uses one cpu :(), and the Alpha.. mm, nothing
> BeBox, that's still 2.0.x?

Yeah, 2.0.27 actually *snicker*. I would crosscompile a 2.0.34 kernel, but I
haven't bothered setting up gcc as a PowerPC crosscompiler yet .. If .34
even works at all on the machine :) The motherboard is going to be replaced
by a 2x133 mhz one sometime soon, if the kernel ever worked in SMP
on it, that'd be a great box to use.. :) I would implement it, but I don't know
much about the bebox lowest levels, and it sure doesn't look like CHRP :)

> > to object to that one, except it's contemporary to 486's (21064A, 275 mhz) :)
>  Multia?

Actually it's a PC64 ("Cabriolet"); it came with the windows NT console
in firmware and I never bothered reflashing it, so it starts MILO linked as a PE
executable which itself loads the kernel.. But it works fine and boots rather
quickly :-) The speed is far from impressive (again it's contemporary to 486),
but it's a good platform for testing that your program isn't endianness or integer

size biased :) It only runs Linux, I gave up on NT or digital unix a long time

I also have a sparc 5 and am currently in the process of acquiring a ss20
instead, but since they doen't run linux i haven't mentioned it.. :)


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