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  From: KC5TJA <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 09:56:47 -0700 (PDT)

Re: kgicon difficulties |-< (and new tarballs |->)

On Mon, 6 Jul 1998 wrote:

> Okay, I came into the conversation a bit late, only heard "It takes this
> huge list of operations to set a pixel" and I felt I should point out
> that when you're dealing with multiple pixels, it's nowhere near as bad.
> :-) 

Yes, I thought as much.... :-)  But then, if you're setting individual
pixels, of course it's going to be slow...  :)

I suppose one way around the "slowness" of a planar display is to update
one plane at a time, in a left-to-right fashion.  It requires a
significantly different algorithm for rendering, but it has the same
number of memory accesses as the chunky method... :)

      KC5TJA/6     |                  -| TEAM DOLPHIN |-
        DM13       |                  Samuel A. Falvo II
    QRP-L #1447    |

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