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  Date: Mon, 6 Jul 98 09:21:53 pst

Re: kgicon difficulties |-< (and new tarballs |->)

>On Mon, 6 Jul 1998, WolfWings ShadowFlight wrote:
>We're talking about 8 bit-per-pixel modes only here.  

Okay, I came into the conversation a bit late, only heard "It takes this huge
list of operations to set a pixel" and I felt I should point out that when you're
dealing with multiple pixels, it's nowhere near as bad. :-)

>I'm well aware of this, as I just completed a software blitter for the PC
>architecture, for use in Dolphin.  It does everything the Amiga's blitter
>can do, only more flexibly (thanks to it being software), but more slowly
>(also because it's software! :) ).

Heh, see above. I just thought I'd point it out that the initial estimate was
hugely overly large. :-)
I'm really surprised I came out as coherent as I did on this technical description,
I don't see any goofs in it, even though it was typed in at 2 in the morning.

WolfWings ShadowFlight

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