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  Date: Mon, 6 Jul 98 09:11:47 pst

Re: kgicon difficulties |-< (and new tarballs |->)

>How should I take this ?

I'm sorry, I somehow forgot to tack on that it's also hard as hell in many cases
to design the conversion process well. It's something one often can beat their
head against for days then suddenly find a stupid-looking shortcut that works
wonderfully. I.E. Luck can play as much a role as coding skill. I meant no disrespect,
I found my method by as much luck as hard work when I was fiddling with planar

>Even if it's done well, a conversion routine is still slower than no operation.

True as well, but quite often there's ways to avoid the conversion step somehow.
Sometimes, not, but sometimes, there is. Actually, I think I read somewhere
there's some 3D accelerator that blits off one bit-plane worth of graphics,
then blits the next bit-plane, etc, etc, etc until it's told to start over with
the next frame, so if it's a really complex scene, you get a roughly 6 or 9-bit
graphics quality, but if it's a fairly simple scene, you get a 24-bit graphics

Also, I wrote those first two replies at about 2am, I'm surprised they're as
coherent as they are. :-)

WolfWings ShadowFlight

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