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  From: Rodolphe Ortalo <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 12:16:05 +0200

Re: libgwt - I haven't heard anything for a while.

>I while ago, all talk of libgwt seemed to stop. I was just wondering if it is
>still being worked on, and if not why?

I guess people are waiting for my first sample implementation.... :-(

>If it has not been decided to drop it, I would like to volunteer to help if
>any is needed. I'm eager to help, and need the practice (I'm quite new to
>software development :)

Of course you can, the problem is that: I don't have much time (or, more
precisely, I have various many different and conflicting things to do, such
as move my computer to a new flat [well, not only the computer], rewrite
an article for IEEE TSE, take holidays with some nice girl, apply for
jobs, etc, etc)

However, wrt libgwt:
 - I am cleaning up, reorganizing some code formerly written by MenTalBoy
(that's nearly complete now);
 - I have to include/connect another regioning code;
 - I have to manage event-dispatching and "redraw-event" sending.

I can commit some code currently to the devel tree, but I've not even
tested it (it's pretty useless currently to try to test it).

Okay: I will do this commit by Friday (10 July). [2] After, I will be on
until 20 July. If you want to do something useful: write a testing application!
(I will create a "demo" subdir, you just need to populate it.) Surely, such
demo will not work instantly, but you will be forced to learn the API (and may
provide some feedback), and it will be useful later on.
Then, you will have learnt enough to help directly on libgwt.

>If help is not needed/wanted for libgwt, is there anything else I can work on?

Any help is useful. (But sure, libgwt would appreciate some interaction
with another developper.)
Do you want to start writing some demo code this weekend while I'm on
holiday ?


[1]: I nearly forgot: there are some drawing functions/adaptors to supply
also... ;-)
[2]: Maybe before, if I lose my phone line before.

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