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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 11:33:36 +0200

Re: Last kgicon update before it goes in CVS

Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> > Well, as we discussed, EvStack^WThe GGI console :) is not going
> > to handle the display part anymore ; so I suppose you should create
> > a directory in CVS for kgicon and put the drivers under that..
>         Very well, degas/kgicon and degas/kgicon-include it is, unless
> anyone has objections and I hear from them before tomorrow evening.  I
> guess it really doesn't matter what the directories are called - the stuff
> is going to be isolated from the rest of degas as far as makefiles and
> installation goes anyway.

I suggest degas/kgicon/include instead of degas/kgicon-include.
If it's not related to anything else of degas it should be
kept in one subtree. (Actually it should in any case IMO)


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