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  From: Jon M. Taylor <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 01:18:36 -0700 (PDT)

Re: kgicon difficulties |-< (and new tarballs |->)

On Mon, 6 Jul 1998, WolfWings ShadowFlight wrote:

> On Sun, 5 Jul 1998, KC5TJA wrote:
> >> 	They aren't foreign to *VGA*, at least not anymore - all modern
> >> SVGA cards do chunky pixels.  Both memory layout have advantages and
> >
> >Yes, I know; however, they've been doing planar graphics for much longer
> >than they've been doing chunky (in the EGA).
> Heh, wrong actually. }:>
> CGA: Chunky 2-bit graphics/4-bit pseudo-graphics (the infamous 160x100)

	I guess that could be something to be used with fbcon 2bpp mode if
we ever get a CGA driver for fbcon or KGI.  There really isn't a clean way
to handle that awful "palettized palette" hack that CGA used (there were
two fixed palette schemes to choose from) other than an ioctl to switch
palettes, though.  Same for other nonstandard wack-isms like border color

> Tandy: Chunky 4-bit graphics. (160/320/640x100/200)

	The PCJr had modes like this too.

> EGA, and the backwards-compatable video modes on the VGA are pretty much
> the only planar video modes ever intended, the "Mode-X" is actually a bug
> that's generally available, many cards that used fancy hardware couldn't
> do it, for instance.

	I wouldn't call it a bug, more like an old feature adapted to a 
new use.

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