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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 08:13:26 +0000

Re: Last kgicon update before it goes in CVS

Jon M. Taylor wrote:

>         Like the title says, this is it.  I am not going to accept any
> more patches or release any more tarballs myself.  This will give us
> incentive to get kgicon into the CVS tree quickly so everyone can work on
> it without having to go through me.  I am quite sick of staring at this
> code and am going to take a breather for at least a few days.  Well, let's
> see if I still feel this way when I get up tomorrow |->.

Well, as we discussed, EvStack^WThe GGI console :) is not going
to handle the display part anymore ; so I suppose you should create
a directory in CVS for kgicon and put the drivers under that..

I'm leaving for a week from thursday to next thursday, but I'll try to
get the mediaGX driver to work before. Actually Phil Sydor of Cyrix
is visiting us tomorrow, I'd like to show him it works on a stock
kernel :) (he wanted to install slackware 2.something to test
the driver *snicker* have to give him a proper distribution too)

> * Code up assembly-optimized sotware text rendering routines.

I'll take care of that when I have a second. It can already use some
C optimization for all platforms too.. (not your code, fbcon I mean)

> * Make sure that drivers work properly on non-x86 architectures.

That's not going to be evident :)


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