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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 08:06:48 +0000

Re: kgicon difficulties |-< (and new tarballs |->)

WolfWings ShadowFlight wrote:

> No, that's not true, actually. Yes, it's less effecient for 8, 16, 24, or
> any multiple of 8 bitplanes than a chunky mode, but for a 6-bit mode? Or a
> 3-bit mode? Or even a 30-bit mode? Try thinking in terms of a single
> bit-plane, a 1-bit mode. You're forgetting that a blitter can take
> advantage of various strategies, such as this:

Well, the 8 bpp etc case is quite important. If you don't remember that Doom
made people say "hmm, the PC can do this, the amiga can't.. what if we
shifted to the PC..?", I do. About 6 or 30-bit modes, sure you'll use less
memory with a planar mode, but tell me how writing a longword is faster
than 30 read-and-or-write operations (even if you use tricks to do
that, convert a 32x32 pixel block at a time, using the blitter in parallel
and recomputing an even-point all the time, use the stupid CD32
block conversion registers, or whatnot ; I know those tricks, I used
them all).


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