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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 12:12:12 +0000

Re: GGI_AUTO (was: Re: O.K. - backported LibGGImisc to devel rep ... ARGH !)

Martin Eli Erhardsen wrote:

> The designers originally planned to have one chip, but couldn't fit
> it all onto one chip with the technology at the time, so they partioned
> the design into 3 chips.

Yes, I know that.

> Because the Denise chip displays pixels I consider it a ramdac chip,
> distinct from Agnus, which has the Blitter and does the graphics.

Agnus doesn't do the graphics, it hosts the blitter which itself renders
to graphic memory during the horizontal line period of its DMA cycles.

Denise, during its own DMA cycles, takes the bitplanes and sprites
position/data in memory and produces a full featured video signal,
with sync, etc.

The ramdac is just a small part in denise which converts the final (after
overlay of sprites etc) digital red/green/blue values and converts it
to an analog rgb signal.


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