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  From: Steve Cheng <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 4 Jul 1998 12:09:39 -0400 (EDT)

Re: Misc changes to devel-tree

On Sat, 4 Jul 1998, Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> lib/libggi/display/common/ 
> lib/libggi/display/X/events.c
> lib/libggi/display/Xlib/events.c:
> Event handling for X is now in display/common/,
> which is included from the X-targets.

Forgot to say this yesterday, could you please separate the utility function
translate_key() to a separate file?  That way XF86DGA can use it as well,
(and later) VNC target, which uses X keysyms also.

> lib/libggi/display/common/
> lib/libggi/display/common/modelist.h:
> Files to handle GGI_AUTO/mode-suggesting for targets that
> has a list of supported modes. Currently used by the SVGAlib
> target, but this should be used by all targets for which
> it's apropriate, ie. dga, glide, directx (and kgi for
> certain drivers)

Okay, I shall look at that.

(I'm still waiting for a decision on ggi/keyboard.h -lock keys before I can
start fixing SVGAlib and X target event handling.)

Steve Cheng               

www: <>;

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