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  From: Geert Uytterhoeven <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 4 Jul 1998 14:46:23 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: kgicon status update

On Sat, 4 Jul 1998, Emmanuel Marty wrote:
> Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> >         No text-blitting yet, but that should be quite simple and easy to
> > implement once everything else is solid.  It is needed, too -
> > unaccelerated fbcon is very slow, especially at higher bit depths where
> > you can actually see the characters appear one by one and it is easy to
> > type ahead of the console and get garbage showing up.  At 32bpp with no
> > ywrap enabled, Linux is close to unuseable.  This situation should improve
> > dramatically with a bit of tweaking, though.
> Well, if you like, I can do some x86 optimization on the bottleneck that the
> rendering of text in graphics mode is ; I did that for the mediaGX driver, and
> while it's not nirvana, it went from hardly-usable (the original C routine :)
> to really-usable. Less good-looking, but works well :)
> This for drivers that don't support blit acceleration, ie. half of them
> including
> mediaGX until Sengan Baring-Gould @ Cyrix daigns to send me his
> undocumented blit code :) (well, the driver supports rectangle filling, but
> not copy yet :)

Please take a look at the vger tree. Jakub Jelinek did a great job in speeding
up (x 40) the console for the non-bitblit non-pan/wrap case on his Ultra with



Geert Uytterhoeven           
Wavelets, Linux/{m68k~Amiga,PPC~CHRP}
Department of Computer Science -- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven -- Belgium

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