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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 04 Jul 1998 10:12:29 +0000

Re: Misc changes to devel-tree

Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> I also removed some AIX and IRIX specific stuff from
> the Makefiles. Emmanuel, the IRIX stuff in the
> Makefiles did a bunch of weird symlinks, if that's
> really neccesary, please put it in config/rules/IRIX
>  instead of the Makefiles.

*shrug* I wish one would consult me before doing such changes..
Especially now that we don't have an AIX platform to test
anymore (would require redoing all symbol exports for it anyway,
so ...)

The 'weird symlinks' and cp's are because gnu install is not the
default on IRIX, and while I could hardly get around to not use
gnu make, that one could be got around with..

Ideally someone would produce an IRIX package of libggi
for 32, n32 and 64 archs..

Thanks for the other bugfixes too. I'll commit the svgalib fix
to the stable tree.


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