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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 04 Jul 1998 12:03:27 +0200

Misc changes to devel-tree

Hi, I've commited a bunch of things to the devel-tree:

config/scripts/install and config/scripts/mkdirtree
are two supposedly portable scripts that should
be used instead of cp/mkdir/install in all Makefiles
and scripts. I've fixed the lib/ tree to use theese,
where they are available to the makefiles as $(INSTALL)

I also removed some AIX and IRIX specific stuff from 
the Makefiles. Emmanuel, the IRIX stuff in the 
Makefiles did a bunch of weird symlinks, if that's
really neccesary, please put it in config/rules/IRIX
 instead of the Makefiles.

The svgalib wrapper wouldn't compile as the "wheel"
entry mysteriously dissapeared from ggi_pmove_event.
I consider this a bugfix, so here's a diff for the
stable tree also:
--- degas/include/ggi/events.h  Wed Jul  1 20:23:00 1998
+++ new/include/ggi/events.h    Fri Jul  3 23:31:11 1998
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@  

 } ggi_any_event;

-/*     These are used inernally either to the application or the
+/*     These are used internally either to the application or the
 **     kernel. The recipient must not store references to the data.
 **     If the data information is needed afterwards, copy it!
@@ -273,6 +273,7 @@
        MODIFIER_DATA;          /* current state of modfiers    */

        sint32  x, y;           /* absolute/relative position   */
+       sint32  z, wheel;

 } ggi_pmove_event;

Event handling for X is now in display/common/,
which is included from the X-targets.

Fixed GGIsetorigin to check for proper y coordinate.
Only call XF86DGAGetVideo() once in GGIinitdl instead of
every time in GGIsetmode. This also means that we can give
up root-privs permantenly in GGIinitdl.

Files to handle GGI_AUTO/mode-suggesting for targets that
has a list of supported modes. Currently used by the SVGAlib
target, but this should be used by all targets for which
it's apropriate, ie. dga, glide, directx (and kgi for
certain drivers)

This can most certainly be done in a nicer way than this
hack I wrote for the SVGAlib target some months ago,
so please have a look and try to improve it.

I think that's all for now.


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