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  From: Jon M. Taylor <>
  To  : GGI mailing list <>
  Date: Sat, 4 Jul 1998 00:43:53 -0700 (PDT)

kgicon status update

	Considerable progress was made today.  The bridge layer is now
essentially complete - support for different bit depths is in and all
relevant hardware info is retrieved appropriately from the KGI driver's
kgi_display struct after modesets.  This means that, in theory, any KGI
driver should now be able to be used with fbcon at all supported
resolutions and color depths.

	No text-blitting yet, but that should be quite simple and easy to
implement once everything else is solid.  It is needed, too -
unaccelerated fbcon is very slow, especially at higher bit depths where
you can actually see the characters appear one by one and it is easy to
type ahead of the console and get garbage showing up.  At 32bpp with no
ywrap enabled, Linux is close to unuseable.  This situation should improve
dramatically with a bit of tweaking, though.

	I have been coding for almost twelve hours straight today and the
screen is starting to swim.  Oooo, pretty colors... so, formal validation
with the VGA driver and lots of fbsets of various modes, working
XF86_FBdev, working fbcon LibGGI target, etc. will have to wait until
tomorrow.  So will a tarball.  Sorry for the teaser, but the end is almost
in sight!  By tomorrow evening, Sunday at the latest, I should have a
fully functional tree with all the drivers converted over to the new
layout and making properly, and I will release kgicon v1.0.


'Cloning and the reprogramming of DNA is the first serious step in 
becoming one with God.'
	- Scientist G. Richard Seed

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