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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 10:33:20 +0000

Re: fbcon-KGI bridge

> Linux does have a standard for this.  /dev/sd* are for SCSI devices.  sda
> refers to the first harddrive on the SCSI chain, and sda0 refers to the
> first partition on the first harddrive, etc.

Yes, so if I remove a drive from my chain, it will shift all other drives after
it, back of one device minor, that's what he meant; note that naming the
devices from SCSI device numbers (or whatever) is not better either :
if i change the unit number for some reason, it'd go to a different device,
and this is probably not what I want..

If you don't want either to happen, I guess there should be some harddrive
ID stored as data on the disk. NT does that (but with the usual inane
behavior from m$, so it doesn't work properly).


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