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  From: Charles Briscoe-Smith <>
  To  : Falk Hueffner <>
  Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 16:41:06 +0100

Re: ggi Debian packages

Falk wrote:
>I've tried the Debian packages from ggi-stable_980619 created by
>Charles Briscoe-Smith, and I must say I'm very happy these things are
>now available, since it saves me quite some time in compiling and
>installing. Thanks Charles!

You're welcome.  I'm glad it's of use!

>I've noticed some small problems, though ;)
>- I can't seem to get any program with aalib to work. Which should
>  work? 

ISTR testing most of the targets I could.  I think aalib was one that
I didn't get round to.  I'm going to rebuild the packages (probably
sometime next week) using the July stable release anyway, and I'll try
to test the aalib target.  Can anyone suggest which programs will test
this target best?

>- There's complete doc for libggi2d, and it seems nice, but where is
>  it? Is it not yet implemented, or is it just me not #incuding the
>  right header?

Oddly, libGGI2d doesn't seem to be in the July stable release, either.
I'll package it when it's available, I hope.

Charles Briscoe-Smith
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