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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 03 Jul 1998 13:59:57 +0200

Re: ggiGetc or ggiGetkey?

Neal Tucker wrote:
> Ok, I keep hearing mention of SAK, but I have no idea what it means
> aside from that it stands for "Secure Attention Key".  (Before I
> got that far, I was starting to think it was a german colloquialism
> that didn't translate to english well :-).  Someone want to fill me
> in?

It's a key or keycombination that is guaranteed to take you to
a login prompt regardless of what other programs are currently
running. This is useful for example if someone writes a password
sniffer that looks exactly like the login-screen. Such a program
could be made to ignore CTRL-C as well as other signals, so you
can't tell if it's a real login-screen or not.

SAK gives you an easy way to know that you really are looking
at a real login-screen.


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