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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 17:32:30 +1000

Re: Getting FBCON and libGGI to work.

David Waite writes:

>  I tried getting the latest stable release from synergy (980702?) and it
>  didn't have the fbcon target from best I could tell. So I tried the devel
>  release of the same day. Most targets compiled, but the fbdev target
>  complained in vtswitcher (I think), about sigaction, since it changed. I did
>  some manual tweaking to get that to compile (ignored setting the mask, just
>  to see if I could get it to load).
>  Now I have a compiled libggi in /usr/local/lib/, and but demo does not seem
>  to be finding the fbdev target. It isn't even looking actually (according to
>  strace). It didn't seem to make a difference when I manually removed
>  everything but fbdev from /etc/ggi/libggi.conf.

At the moment LibGGI doesn't "auto detect" framebuffer devices.  There
are two ways to force it:

    1) export FRAMEBUFFER=/dev/fb0

       The FRAMEBUFFER env. var is (AFAIK) a standard used by the
       linux-m68k folks.  LibGGI will detect this env. var and then use
       the fbdev target (just like it detects the DISPLAY env. var and
       uses the X target).

    2) export LIBGGI_DISPLAY=fbdev

Note that vgafb.c is text-only, so not much will work on it.  Try using:

    export LIBGGI_DEFMODE=80x25T

and demos/demo and demos/stars and demos/dots should work.

Hope that helps.

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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