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  To  :
  Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 22:59:58 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: libggi2d

Hi !

> > > If there's a working libggi2d, ...
>  Sorry. Yesterday I haven't had any time to commit it.
>  I have send the working version to Andy a while ago, but there's 
>  IMHO still an open issue:
>  Where's the right place for libggi2d and the other extensions?

>  Some time ago we decided to put all extensions under 
>  /lib/libggi/extensions but this does not conform to the 
>  modularization of our tree, because checking out libggi 
>  means also checking out _all_ other extensions (libggi3d, 
>  libgwt,...)
>  My personal favorite would be /lib/libggi2d.
>  What do you think?


Dead-simple libraries like LibGGImisc and example libs like the test
extension should be put under /lib/libggi/extensions.

More complex libs should be either placed at /lib/* (like libggi2d) 
or distributed separately (like ggiMesa).

I have put facilities to get at the libggi internal headers into the last
stable snapshot.

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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