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  From: Rowan van der Molen <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 13:04:29 +0100

Re: RTLinux is an old project ...

At 11:27 1-02-99 +0100, you wrote:
>... and people are *talking* about integrating it into 2.3.
>Let's face it. Most Linux kernel developers probably could easily
>work without X. Screen and virtual consoles is all they need.
>They are interested in compute- and fileservers.
>If they weren't, Linux would not be the server os it is now.
>Only some people are interested in things like video and audio
>support. Enough to make it happen, but not enough to make it
>really shine, compared to network performance and such.
>IIRC RTLinux is far older than GGI. And it has been a separate patch
>for that long. And RTLinux is, AFAIK, a rather 'separate' thing, touching
>only very little of kernel internals.
>For most of the 2.1 time, we spent too much energy in linux-kernel
>discussions. It looks like this happens again...
>It is natural, that most kernel developers (esp. Linus) don't like the
>idea of messing with a console system they need and which is absolutely
>adequate for the jobs *they* want to get done with it.
>If you thought that the VFS layer is absolutely good enough for you, would
>you like somebody mess it up?
>KGI/GGI console may be a good thing, and The Right Thing To Do (tm),
>but it solves problems the core team does not have.
>Let's stop wasting energy on the standard Linux tarball.
>Let's put the energy into making a system we think is marvellous.
>Let's make this system work. Let's make it rock.
>Linus is not into graphics, and he is overworked. Let's leave him
>alone, and let's ignore all but the people that have good ideas to
>share with us. Let's focus.
>Let's make it happen, and *then* we go there and try to sell it.
>If they don't buy it then, they don't have it. So what?
>We'll have it.
>Let's make this system for ourselves and the people who want it.
Thank you for this words. I'll cc this message to the Berlin list too. 

I'll forward some e-mails about GNU Hurd to this mailing list in the evening.
Let's make things really better this time. 
Oh and a little sidenote to the people on the Berlin list: Feel free to
give me some
comments about what I should all forward to the GGI list ... or should I
just forward
all the messages about HURD?

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