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  From: teunis <>
  To  : GGI Developers <>
  Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 15:51:53 -0700 (MST)

Re: Java and GGI (GSI, GII, ...)

On Sat, 27 Feb 1999, Moses DeJong wrote:

> I would love the help out with the GGI + Java thing. Where can I get
> your code? I have done a lot of java coding before but not much GGI
> so if you would like any help just email me.

As soon as the thing's to the point I consider minimally usable I'll post
This might be today but more likely tomorrow... :)
(it already does the "hello, world" thing and can draw lines + text and
more as it's finished.  I want a -minimal- Toolkit working though :)

Anyone know -where- I could post this?
I'll probably use libGGI2D when possible and not when not...
This thing's possible using -none- of the info on Java besides what's
public..  Thanks to JNI :)
But I want to compare behaviours....

G'day, eh? :)
	- Teunis

PS: please note this thing's gonna be ugly and have some weird ideas.
PPS: It's also multithreaded.  Just as a warning.  It does -not- like
svgalib!!!!!!  (ideas?)
Works great in KGI or X though.  So I'm in KGI now (ViRGE driver)
BTW - the ViRGE driver works -great- here now!  Must get back and study
what's happened....  (I've been not programming for three months now it's
nice getting back in gear)

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