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  From: Thad Phetteplace <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 05:46:05 -0600 (EST)

Re: Matrox G200 specs released!

> My question is, what would be the best way to implement OpenGL acceleration
> with this? libggi3d, GLX extensions, something based on MesaGL?  Is there a
> mailing list already dedicated to this kind of work? If not Debian may be
> willing to host the list+cvs for this driver since it will be a rather large
> project.

I would suggest writing a libggi3d driver and then working on a libggi3d
target for Mesa.  This might take a little longer than hardwiring  the
support directly into Mesa, but is the most flexible in the long run.
BTW, It is called just Mesa, not MesaGL.  Evidently SGI is a little
squeamish about people tacking GL on a product that is not really
affiliated with OpenGL.  Brian Paul has requested that people refer to
it as Mesa (not MesaGL).


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