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  From: Stephen Crowley <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 18:47:42 -0600

Matrox G200 specs released!

I don't know if anyone has noticed yet but matrox has released complete
specs to the G200!

You have to regster as a developer with them to download the specs but it
costs nothing. I'm not sure if you are allowed to redistribute them though,
if so I could post them somewhere else.

My question is, what would be the best way to implement OpenGL acceleration
with this? libggi3d, GLX extensions, something based on MesaGL?  Is there a
mailing list already dedicated to this kind of work? If not Debian may be
willing to host the list+cvs for this driver since it will be a rather large

|Stephen Crowley,      |
|Debian GNU/Linux                 |
|GPG Key     |
\--- 8A8B 3B82 6EA7 CF4E 01A5  5B21 B378 981D D2E1 0D85 ----/

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