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  From: Kien Pham <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 05:43:14 -0800 (PST)

Re: Mailing list info..

Hartmut Niemann <> wrote:
> come on. The interface to our web site is not the problem.
> We don't need yet another cool tool for that. telnet and vi
> and/or ftp would be enough. 
> The problem is content.
> What news and information would we want to present there?
> Once upon a time I thought that some information about the libggi
> beta release would be cool. Supported targets, caveats, bugs found,
> with patches and so on.
> We made the release and what happened then?
> Very often in the past information got outdated faster than you'd
> and the doc maintainer needs to track not only the mailing list, but
> code changes, e.g. to find out about function prototype changes.
> The way informations flows in our team information/documentations
>  *must* be outdated.
> Back when I thought I was somewhat responsible for collecting
> a complete new doc branch was committed to CVS without telling me ...
> The main problem we have manifests in the standard answer to a
> look it up in the mailing list archives.
> And no, I don't think we need a fancy web page. We need one with
> accurate information. There are too many web pages with only hot air
> around.
doxygen. doc++. doxygen. doc++. A documentation manager
is not needed, really. I feel sorry for the document
manager who has to wade through all these changes. :)
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