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  From: Aaron Gaudio <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 16:38:55 -0500 (EST)

Re: Mailing list info..

I have to say I agree with both sides of this issue. GGI doesn't need a
page full of "hot air", but it does need a little work on the looks. I'm
not talking something on par with GNOME's web page here, but something
on par with Berlin's web page ( for those
unfamiliar). What the web page needs most is a better summary of what
the GGI-project is, and what the associated libraries and KGI are. The
other documentation is good, if a little out of date, but is geared towards
those ready to develop for GGI. What is needed is something to convince 
visitors *to* develop for GGI in the first place. This could help
show the outside community, (for example, those like Dave Kirsch) that
in fact GGI is still alive, is going strong and is an all-around good

I think what Jon was saying was not that the web page needs more frills,
but that it could stand to look a little more professional, and regardless,
could use a makeover (as the best indication that GGI is still alive). As
for his other ideas, well I'll let those speak for themselves.


| Aaron Gaudio          |
|                              |
|      "The fool finds ignorance all around him.                     |
|          The wise man finds ignorance within."                     |

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