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  From: Aaron Van Couwenberghe <>
  To  : GGI Development <>
  Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 21:26:12 -0800

svgalib and pre-990214 snaps

I'm working only on snapshots 990214 and earlier; somebody recently stated
that GII has gotten a makeover that will break (source?) binary
compatibility of apps.

	Anyway, I just noticed that, at least from ggi-devel-990212 to
ggi-devel-990214, the svgalib wrapper's build tree is incorrect. There is no, no configure script in the tarball.

	Has this been fixed in more recent snapshots? If so do you think it
would build cleanly against GGI/GII 990212?

Thanks in advance

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe...
	Debian GNU/Linux:

"...Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing..."
	-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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