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  From: WHS <>
  To  : GGI <>
  Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 02:29:15 +0100



I'm having some weird problem sending mail from OpenBSD  (using netscape
3 under linux-emulation). Mail to myself is sent properly (I.e. I can
fetch it from the provider's server), but anything else doesn't seem to
arrive. Marcus, did you get a mail from me a few days ago?

Jon M. Taylor wrote:

> * SUID-KGI should also be ported to the new KGI.  Andy?
> * xBSD KGI people, lets get organized here too.  We have a lot better
> chance of getting the full KGI into one of the BSDs than Linux right now,
> and we need to make sure that KGIcon, SUID-KGI and full KGI all work
> properly and work the same with the same drivers.

I hope to get it (=steffen's new KGI + changes, put possibly in a wscons
quise) running properly this week on OpenBSD.

After that I can help attack architectural issues.


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