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  From: G. Gregory <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 09:59:02 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Re: libGGI3d -- ready to code?

On Mon, 22 Feb 1999, Filip Spacek wrote:

> Well this all sort of resembles my idea. You start with a few predefined
> interfaces such as Triangle, Line etc. But if you can define N Lines then
> you can also define N doubles or more precisely 3 doubles which gives you
> a Vertex. Same way you can take 3 Vertices to get a Triangle. This way you
> don't have to predefine anything, which is I think the prefered method.
> Also what exacly is Complex3dObject? There is about just as many
> representations of this as there is 3d programs. We need a facility to
> define complex object out of simple components. My previous attempts were
> too clumsy, we don't really need a whole new language to define the
> interface. Basically every interface is a union of one or more other
> interfaces. So for example one Object might be defined as a union of
> some number of triangles, where triangle is defined as a union of
> three vertices and three normals (vectors) and these vertices (vectors)
> are defined as union of doubles. This way every interface boils down to
> good ol' int and doubles. 

Ahah, me thinks we talk along the same wavelength. Tell me if I get this

We get Complex3dObject in our software. This can get passed down to
our GGI3d through openGL or other such API. Our first module breaks
the object down to seperate parts. Bezier Curve patches, CSG solids
etc. It then looks for a module lower down that takes these as inputs
and passes it on.

During initial setup we have a test proggy that generates all cases
and times how long it takes to get to pixel. The fastest routes for
our hardware are what we use.


Graeme Gregory                          | "god is a number you cannot                   | count to, you are posthuman           | and hardwired" - M. Manson

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