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  From: Steve Cheng <>
  To  : GGI Development <>
  Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 13:37:53 -0500 (EST)

Re: Target categories/dependencies...

On Sun, 21 Feb 1999, Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote:

> for a working X target you need X_common and X.
> xf86dga is an accelerated X target; this depends on X_common as well.

X_common is not a target.  It is simply code #included by the X targets.

> aa depends on being run under a monotext-capable environment. Does this mean
> it depends on other targets?

Monotext?  AA depends on AAlib.

> kgi is standalone but requires kgicon. (??) I don't know much about the
> current state of KGI.

kgi is non-functional.  For kgicon, use the fbdev target.

> linvtsw seems to be needed for console switching under the fb target. Does
> any other target make use of it?

Don't know about that one...

> I have no ideas which targets require the prescense of the mansync helper;
> could someone enlighten me?

mansync_dependent="x aa tile"

> memory is standalone.
> monotext " "
> I have no idea what the multi target is. someone enlighten me?

Display on multiple (other) targets.

> I have no idea what palemu depends on.

Nothing else.

> what is sub?

Visual-within-a-visual.  Could be used for windowing I think.

> what is suidkgi? (heh -- sorry about all these q's)

Use KGI drivers in userspace as root.

> svgalib is standalone but requires svgalib to be present.
> what is tele?

Display across network with LibGGI-specific protocol.

> terminfo is a monotext-capable target that can display onto shell sessions
> 	via terminfo. pretty cool. aa over telnet ;P. Mesa apps displaying to
> AA over telnet :P

Note that terminfo supports only text modes, and AA supports only GT_8BIT 

> what's tile?

Video-wall-emulation target :) 

> What's the difference between trueemu

(from README)
TrueEmu is a GGI display target that emulates a 24 bit visual on some
other type of visual, which could be 32 bit, 24 bit, 16 bit, 15 bit,
8 bit... or even 4 bit !

> and palemu?

PalEmu is a GGI display target that emulates a palettized visual (e.g.
8 bit) on a truecolor visual (e.g. 24 bit).

> what is vcsa?

Display on Linux console via /dev/vcsa*

> How does the vgagl helper mesh with the svgalib target? what userland
> library does it require to function?

Uses included in SVGAlib.

> Thanks in advance!
> PS -- I realy don't need all of the "what is" questions answered; I just
> need to know what depends on what. If you've got time to give me more, I'd
> appreciate it greatly though ;). Thanks.

I suggest grouping targets that do not depend on any other graphics package
together.  E.g. palemu,trueemu in one package, multi,tile in another, and
memory in base package.  That's much easier.

Steve Cheng

www: <>;

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