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  From: Joris Mak <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 13:38:14 +0100

RE: kgicon help too pl.

> Hi,
> i have problems with my kgicon module too !!! ,
> perhaps anyone could help me out :
> i cant make other resolutions than 320x200 on 8 bit .... 
> i tried the following : modprobe kgicon (switches kgicon_width kgicon_height
> or kgicon_bpp )
> i tried fbset an conf2map , ...
> anyone has some tips please ???
> my config : kernel 2.2.1 
> 	    ggi-snapshot 9.feb.1999
> 	    et6000 card
> 	    generic monitor
what I found with a et6000:
   Boot with the vesafb driver from the kernel (i booted 640x480x8)
   Then load the module and use con2fbmap to map the console to the KGI...
   You are in a 640x480x8 mode then.. fbset doesn't worked..
   But the demo program when started with 'demo 320x200', it works..


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