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  From: Evan Martin <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 01:08:57 -0800

David "Zoid" Kirsch (Quake) on GGI

I'm sure many of you have already seen this on slashdot,
but just in case...
Zoid is responsible for Linux Quake, and he was recently 
interviewed about progress on Quake 3.
This interview is available at:

Anyway, the interesting question is the following:

Jack: There seem to be many choices for writing
games on linux. Do you currently use any of the
available API's such as GGI, SDL, or others?

[Zoid:] GGI was promising, but kinda started and stopped
development. SDL is too high level. For something like
Quake I need direct access to OpenGL (or to the
framebuffer for software rendering), direct access to the
sound card's DMA buffer and direct access to the mouse
input and raw keyboard codes.

Evan Martin - -

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