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  From: Thad Phetteplace <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 04:41:48 -0600 (EST)

Re: libGGI3d -- ready to code?

> Hi,
> I've been following the GGI3D discussions quite closely (by that I mean
> that I have actually read all the quite long messages on libGGI3d) What I
> would like to know is what is the status? I remember some discussion on
> the interface. I think that everybody agreed that ints are _not_ the way
> to go and that the best would be some sort of strings which would be used
> during the pipeline construction. This seems to me to be the best way to
> do this. Has anybody started to code something for this interface? or
> produced any RFC?

Same here.  Give me some direction and turn me loose on the code.
> You are probably wondering why am I asking all these questions. It has
> always been my dream to make a 3d rpg game. Now I got some free time on my

Same here again.  I'm working with a few other people to develop a
*massively multiplayer gaming infrastructure*.  The idea is to glue the
whole thing together with digital signature technology, so players cannot
*cheat* as they develop their avatars and move them from game environment
to game environment.  We will turn loose an opensource toolkit that makes
it easy for others to develop games and plug them into the game network.

The first step, however, is to improve the level of 3D support on Linux.


P.S. No word back from STB or S3 yet in response to my spec request...
but then of course they are moving at *Cathedral* speed.  :-)

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