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  From: David Joffe <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 17:55:10 +0200

Re: New function ggiFlushRegion()

On Wed, 17 Feb 1999, Marcus Sundberg wrote:
>As the comment suggest it's exactly the same as ggiFlush() except
>that it will only flush the specified region on targets that can
>do this - like the X target. On other targets it is identical to

Is this a good idea? Thinking specifically of my game .. I could, perhaps,
improve performance on the X target by updating only the necessary regions ...
this would probably amount to (say) 2 or 3 ggiFlushRegion calls in a single
frame (which may or may not improve performance, depending on the overhead.
Right now it's just a single ggiFlush per frame.) The problem here would be
that if the same binary was run in console mode, or on the svgalib target, the
same code would produce 3 entire screen flushes, clearly *not* optimal, if, as
you say, it would be identical to ggiFlush. Or am I confused?

I'm not complaining or anything. I think this is a very useful new function,
and a good idea.

 - David

David Joffe   
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not
sure about the the universe.  - Albert Einstein

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