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  To  :
  Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 21:55:52 +0100 (MET)

Re: log of attempting to use vesafb with kgicon

Hi !

> This leads me to another question:
> If I were trying to diagnose something that crashes often, how 
> should I run my system?  The e2fsck's after each lock take a very
> long time (as a newbie, I set up one large partition).
> Would running sync before each program help?

It helps against fs corruption, but not against the fscks themselves.

> Would single user mode help?  (I tried this, but insmoding the KGI
> driver makes the screen blank, and the only thing to fix it is to
> switch to another console and back).

Depends. You have less running programs that write to files and thus 
less chance to get corruption.

If you are not testing anything that needs to write something to disk, 
I'd suggest to go to single-user and unmount all filesystems.
Eventually you need to use "mount -oremount,ro /" for the root-fs.

If you need to redirect debuglogs somewhere, a DOS partition or some small
temp partition usually serves well.

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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