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  To  :
  Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 22:04:08 +0100 (MET)

Re: What about LibGGI 2.0 Beta 2?

Hi !

> Two things I have thought about is refreshrate controll 

This is IMO not a LibGGI issue. If at all, one could put it the "misc"
extension. It is more of a KGI issue and a question of monitor
configuration. I'd rather let the _user_ explicitly reconfigure that
(using a script for convenience, if he wants) for an app that benefits from
it, as I'd be _VERY_ annoyed, if each and every app would use another mode 
(one at 60Hz, one at 70, one at 72, ...) and I'd constantly have to adjust
my monitor settings.

> Second to make a square blitt of offscreen memory you have to use a
> virtual screen and blit from that. 

Just a second: Please define "offscreen". Are you talking about video-RAM
or system RAM ?

> This can be very bad as it is very
> possible that every new src data line now happens to be in a different
> dram page. 

If you are talking about vidmem, there is another more important issue:
Can we use the accelerator ?

Almost any card has a "CopyBox" like function, that can be used to blit
around areas.
Only few cards have some kind of linear->rectangle blit.

Thus it is often faster to do it with a rectangular organization of the
blit source, as we can then use the accelerator.

> This makes the blitt slow. Src data should be continous in
> memory. That is a src block should not have any stride value on the data.
> Can this be done now?

If you are talking about system RAM, this is how Get/PutBox work now.

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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