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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 14:02:01 +0100

Re: CVS maintainer?

Hi Aaron,

Hope Berlin development is going well :)

>         I was just wondering if your cvs maintainer could get in touch with
> me? I've got a few questions regarding authentication with CVS, without the
> need for per-developer accounts local to the server. Specifically, how GGI's
> repository is setup, for my future use.

Here I am. What do you want to know? If it is, how to have a lot of cvs
accounts (that can be read/write or read/only on an account basis) without
creating actual system accounts, it is very easy. In the CVSROOT/ directory
of your repository (where you have the history, modules etc files), create
a file called "passwd" with the format "cvsuser:cryptedpass:systemuser".
cvsuser is the account name you give to the person, cryptedpass is an
unix crypted password (there is currently no way to generate it with cvs,
so just copy it from /etc/shadow or /etc/passwd), systemuser is the actual
user the cvs daemon will run as, when spawned by this cvs user. For GGI,
all cvs users run under the same system user as we're all civilized and
do not delete things randomly, and sometimes people want to correct things
in other people's code. But you can use several if you like.

If you want a guest account, just add it like above, and then two
methods: make sure you don't have a 'writers' file in the cvsroot, and
add its name to a 'readers' file (just type guest<newline>), it'll make
it read/only; or don't have a readers file, and put all others accounts
in the 'writers' file (it'll make them read/write, and guest will
refault to r/o). You can have more than one r/o account of course.

Hope this is what you wanted to know, else feel free to ask more :)


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